During these unprecedented times we are committed to supporting students. Therefore we have put together a message to our followers and a list of useful resources

Hello - Student Children's Nurses.
Due to Covid-19 we currently find ourseleves in unprecedented times. As such, many of you will be learning from home, have been pulled from placement, or are keen to join the NHS for the final 6 months of your programme.
Whatever your circumstance, and wherever you are, we want you to know that the team here @CYPStNN are 'here for you'.
Social media is a fantastic tool for continued learning, the sharing of relevent information, and support from peers and the wider nursing community.
Now more than ever it is imperitive that we come together, show solidarity, and celebrate our careers.
Be proud, be strong and stay safe in the Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
And Remember ...
We are the Children's Nursing Students of today ...
We are the Children's nurses of tomorrow.
Royal College of Nursing
For Covid-19 FAQ:
Guidence on redeployment
Health Education England
Students supporting NHS workforce
Guidence support update
FAQs for students
Nursing and Midwifery Council
Information for students
UK Goverment and NHS UK
NHS general advice
Goverment advice
Nursing Times